Course Materials By Week For Corporate Finance I
Northeast Utilities


In each of the sections listed below, I have placed the materials that we will cover that week. The articles and problems involve the topic from the previous week.  Lecture notes on a new topic are also placed under the week in which I will present them. Some additional materials that you may find useful appear at the top of this page.








            Introduction Lecture






      Time Value Lecture


      Introduction Problems

      Introduction Problems Answers


Short Discussion Articles on Markets, Interest Rates Etc.

The False Fed Savior

  • What does the title of the article refer to?
  • What is a liquidity trap and why is it a problem?
  • What does the article see as the main U.S. economic problem?

Unraveling Reagan

  • Why is it likely that we will see over the coming years more government regulations throughout the U.S. economy?
  • Why do people hold up the Federal Reserve as a reason that they support more government intervention in the economy (Obama may propose a Healthcare Fed), and why is this a potent problem?
  • What is likely to happen to innovation in the economy if government regulations are strengthened? Use your own observations at NU to help answer this question?

A Soft Landing or Hard?

  • How does Duke Energy use economic information to test and select their business strategy?
  • What are the pros and cons of Duke’s strategy of being an energy merchant with half of its revenue generated from trading and marketing energy?
  • How successful was Duke’s approach in 2002 and how well do you think it is working in the current economic downturn?




WEEK 3                MEASURING RISK (and Bond Ratings)


Risk Lecture


      Standard and Poor’s Bond Rating - Notching

Standard and Poor’s Bond Rating - Matrix

Standard and Poor’s Bond Rating - NU


      Time Value Problems

      Time Value Problems Answers


Group Problem on Time Value


Short Discussion Articles on Time Value

Lightening the Load

  • How do some federal and municipal government policies involve time value to encourage homeowners to invest in solar power systems?
  • How do some companies that make solar equipment use time value to encourage homeowners to invest in solar power systems?
  • What is the advantage of companies’ methods to encourage investment in solar power systems compared to government policies?
  • How might a sharp increase in solar power systems in the northeast affect NU and what profitable policies or strategies could NU adopt in response?

Credits for Cutbacks

  • How does the Connecticut efficiency market work?
  • Why do you think the state chose the particular financing mechanism for the household market but not for the commercial market?
  • Why are some worried about the effects on the market of NU and other utilities?

Nine Cities – Nine Ideas

  • If it costs Chicago $50,000 to build a garden on a city building and the city can borrow at a 5 percent interest rate, are gardens a good investment?
  • If Aspen can borrow at 5 percent, is their investment of $1.1 million in the recreation center for reduced power use a good investment?
  • In Thane, India, they offer a 10 percent discount in property taxes to building owners who install solar water heaters. How might this policy cause inefficient incentives, e.g., which buildings are more likely to benefit?




WEEK 4                VALUING STOCKS AND BONDS  (Case on Bond Ratings)


Valuation Lecture


      Risk Problems

      Risk Problems Answers


Group Problem on Risk


Short Discussion Articles on Risk

Semgroup Works to Turn It Around

  • What caused Semgroup's financial problems and what additional problems has that brought about?
  • How has Semgroup changed its risk management to avoid such problems in the future?
  • How can changing Semgroup’s corporate structure help it compete?


  • What type of risk must Indonesia’s state-owned utility plan for that most utilities in the U.S. do not, and how is the utility responding to the risk?
  • What type of risk must Indonesia’s businesses plan for that most utilities in the U.S. do not, and how are they responding to the risk?
  • Suppose that U.S. regulators adopted policies similar to Indonesia’s, what would you recommend that NU do in response? 

Nuclear Power is Headed for a Fight.

  • What are the regulatory risks associated with nuclear power plants?
  • Why is the risk growing in the northeast, and what implications does it have for NU?
  • Most claim that nuclear power is cheap, but what costly risk is not captured in the price of nuclear power?






      Valuation Problems

      Valuation Problems Answers


Group Problem on Valuing Stocks and Bonds


Short Discussion Articles on Valuation of Stocks and Bonds

Heard on the Street

  • According to the article, which utilities are most undervalued and why?
  • What is enterprise value and how is it used in the article to determine value?
  • Why might the claim that utility stocks are undervalue be wrong?

Power Investing

  • How should you decide if oil and gas producers are good investments?
  • How should you decide if utilities and nuclear companies are good investments?
  • How should you decide if alternative energy companies like wind and solar are good investments?

Industry Splits Over Power Play

  • How will Illinois plan to re-regulate wholesale and retail electricity prices affect utility company stock prices?
  • Why is there a split between the two largest Illinois utilities over whether they will support re-regulation, and do they have much choice?
  • Given the off-on-off-on pattern of regulation, what strategy would you recommend that would best serve the utilities shareholders’ interests?






Hand in Take Home Quiz on Material from Weeks 1, 2, 3


Capital Structure and Dividend Lecture




WEEK 7                BREAK




WEEK 8                COST OF CAPITAL


Cost of Capital Lecture


      Capital Structure and Dividends Problems

      Capital Structure and Dividends Problems Answers


Group Problem on Capital Structure/Dividends


Short Discussion Articles on Capital Structure and Dividend Policy

Buffet Rescues Power Firm

  • Why did Constellation need an infusion of cash and how did the infusion affect its capital structure (i.e. which source of financing increased)?
  • How could Constellation have changed its capital structure one year earlier and have avoided some of the problems it faced?
  • How did Sempra Energy avoid Constellation’s problem? 

Entergy’s Nuclear Spinoff.

  • How would Entergy’s spinoff affect its capital structure?
  • How has the capital structure of utilities with nuclear plants changed over the last year or two?
  • Would shareholders benefit or suffer if the spinoff occurs? Why? How about consumers?

Utility Merger

  • What does the first article say is the motivation for the NU-NStar merger?
  • What does the second article say is the motivation for the NU-NStar merger?
  • How might the merger affect NU’s capital structure?






      Cost of Capital Problems

      Cost of Capital Problems Answers


Group Problem on Cost of Capital


 Short Discussion Articles on Cost of Capital

Money on the Lines

  • Why are utilities investing more in transmission lines?
  • Consider NU’s experience in Connecticut. If state utility regulators set the allowed returns for transmission line investments, would you expect more or less investment?
  • How is the investment typically financed?

The Bottom Line

  • How do regulators propose to create an incentive for utilities to reduce demand for electricity?
  • How might the proposal affect a utility’s cost of capital?
  • What are the possible risks to the utility that you see with the proposal, and could it create unintended incentives? 

Duke and Progress Agree

  • How might the merger affect Duke’s cost of capital?
  • What does the development of new nuclear plants depend on?
  • Normally a merger is motivated by cost cutting after the merger. How might the Duke merger differ?






Basic Capital Budgeting Lecture


Hand in Take Home Quiz on Material from Weeks 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9







Cash Flow NPV Lecture


      Basic Capital Budgeting Problems

      Basic Capital Budgeting Answers


Short Discussion Articles on Basic Capital Budgeting

In Search of Lower Sales

  • How should Subway decide whether to invest in new ovens and remove old ovens that still work?
  • Was the investment by hog farmers in fluorescent bulbs a good one?
  • How did the energy management system for Budweiser work and essentially pay for itself in electricity savings?

Long Road

  • Of the new technologies listed, which one looks like the best investment? Why?
  • What would make an electric car a good investment?
  • What drives many new energy technology investment decisions that is not part of most other technology investment decisions? 

Business on an Energy Diet

  • What is the payback period for Wal-Mart’s investments in lighting and air-conditioning replacements?
  • Why have some companies been slow to make more energy efficiency investments? Give examples from different industries.
  • How can a corporation’s organizational structure thwart energy efficiency investments, and how could a utility like NU help solve the problem and benefit at the same time?




WEEK 12              Case on NPV



      Cash Flows and NPV Problems

      Cash Flows and NPV Problems Answers


Group Problem on Capital Budgeting


Short Discussion Articles on Cash Flows and NPV

Consumers in the Dark

  • Consider the rate structure of Georgia Power. How can a consumer in Atlanta decide whether to replace an old air conditioner that uses half the electricity of their current one?
  • Georgia Power says it does not provide consumers pricing information because it was not asked to do so. Why don’t they do it on their own, like the telephone companies do?
  • How could utility companies decide whether to invest in advanced usage meters for residential consumers?

Producers Turning Away from Coal

  • How has the cost of pollution control equipment affected electric generation investments?
  • How has the recession affected electric generation investment decisions?
  • What does Duke's experience with new technology imply for the utility's investment decisions? 

California Utilities Amp Up

  • How would you assess the efficiency and success of PG&E’s new light bulb strategy for conserving electricity?
  • How would you assess the long term value of investments such as the light bulb subsidy, that is, how secure are the incentive payments?
  • Why might subsidizing efficient air conditioning be a better investment and why did PG&E adopt the light bulb strategy instead?




WEEK 13              BREAK






Financial Analysis and Planning Lecture







Working Capital Lecture


      Financial Analysis and Planning Problems

      Financial Analysis and Planning Problems Answers



Short Discussion Articles on Financial Analysis and Planning

You Can’t Get There from Here

  • How should the expected growth in wind and solar generation affect NU’s transmission equipment investment plans?
  • Why should plans to expand the grid start early?
  • What hurdles do utilities face when proposing to build new transmission lines? 

Con Edison Upgrade

  • Why is Con Ed upgrading its grid in Manhattan?
  • Why are utilities “notoriously cautious about new technology”?
  • Could NU find superconducting cable useful for some of its territory?

What Utilities Learned from Smart Meters

  • How would you figure out whether smart meters are good investments for NU?
  • What seems to be the best strategy, and what problems must be solved to get consumers to accept smart meters?
  • Assume all consumers have smart meters, how might they affect NU's financial planning?






Quiz on Material from Weeks 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15



 Short Discussion Articles on Working Capital Management

More Utility Bills Go Unpaid

  • With more delinquent bills, how should NU change its working capital strategy?
  • How can NU estimate an expected number of delinquent bills for its service areas?
  • How is NU trying to deal with delinquent bills and how can it take advantage of government programs that assist low income customers?

Falling Behind Heating Bills

  • Why are there likely to be more delinquent bills during the winter in the Northeast?
  • How should NU adjust its working capital borrowing to account for the seasonal problem that is exacerbated by economic conditions?
  • What variables can NU use to predict the amount of delinquent bills during the winter? 

Fast Cash

  • Why are some firms drawing down revolving loans, even if they don’t need all of the cash?
  • How would you recommend that NU manage its revolving loans?
  • Is there a better alternative financing tool than revolving loans to handle the cash flow uncertainty?

